Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones, But Words That Don't Pertain To Me Have No Meaning!!!!

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me! I remember hearing those words as a young girl and saying, are you kidding me. Words hurt and some words hurt so bad that you feel like you just got the wind knocked out of you. But it wasn't until recently that I learned that words have NO POWER. We give them power by breathing life into them. How you ask, let me explain.

I remember getting into arguments with my brother when I was younger because he called me a name. My mom would come busting in our room asking what's going on and I would say something silly like, Corey called me a name and her question to me was, are you the name he called you and I would sit there with the stupid face and say “NO” and her response to me would be, so why did you respond or why does it bother you. Well you know what Keeper's. I gave his words life and even as an adult I use to do the same thing. Someone would say something about me and what would I do “RESPOND”. There I go giving words life again.

But there is an even more damaging side to giving words life and it's called believing them. There are millions of wounded people walking around, because they choose to give other peoples words life and they do this by #1. breathing life into them by acknowledging their words and #2. holding onto them so long that they began to believe them. It's extremely hard to defeat something you believe in or something you have been carrying around for so long. So I ask you to please stop giving life to words that you know are used to hurt you.. If the words don't pertain to you, leave them alone.


P.S. I know my brother read all my blogs so I must admit when we were younger I called him a couple of names too lol... Love YOU


  1. To my sister Chloe who i love dearly:
    When we was younger i used to say things to you out of rebellion. It's funny i was just at mom house and i did a full evaluation of myself because i was trying to figure out why my life feel so cursed. You know one thing i learned ever since i was a kid i witnessed a lot of negative things from mom being abused, Tracie and Greg abuse to mommy. I am a true believer in you are the reflection of your child. When we were growing up i had a lot of anger, hatred, rage and denial in my heart that i carried with me. And to this day i have yet to fully let go of my past. i am so sorry for how i treated you as kids but 1 thing for sure i truly "love" you. I was your protector and still is no matter where we are. When my world shattered a few years ago you was the only person that was there to keep me from committing suicide. Ive had these thoughts in my mind for many years but what kept me here is people like you, My kids (Shakeara, Elquan C.J. and Destiny), Mark, Jamie and Kev. All of you are the reason why i have my "I WILL NOT LOSE" thing going. WORDS DO HURT!!!!! thats why me and mommy didn't speak for 4 years and Carlton Jones and i (my biological father) don't speak til this day. I might be a street dude on the outside but i'm still human on the inside. As i sit here in tears as i write this im still trying to erase and let go of my past "IT'S VERY HARD".I have been hurt big time in my past relationship that's why it's hard for me to allow a woman in my life and try to love again. AM I MY SISTER CHLOE KEEPER? The answer is simple, TIL THE LAST BREATH IN MY BODY IS GONE. Chloe i truly apologize for what i have said to you in the past. I know it hurt and bothered because you wrote about it. Little things means a lot and knowing what you've been through in the past few years and being there for you it brought us more closer than we ever been. I am human and we make mistakes. As a man i admit mines and i'm also stepping forward to say "I'M SORRY" and i was "WRONG". Mom can testify how i have been in rebuilding myself. If i don't let go my past i will never be able to have a "FUTURE".I LOVE YOU SIS AND ONCE AGAIN I APOLOGIZE....STICKS AND STONES BREAKS BONES AND WORDS DO SCAR....SOMETIMES FOR LIFE...."I WILL NOT LOSE"

  2. AAAWWW Corey, I don't think people ever really realized the special bond that we have.. We are somewhat like twins because at the time we were all we had and a sprinkle of TRACIE every now and then lol.. To be honest you never really hurt my feelings with the words you said because I just figured it was sibling rivalry and all brothers and sisters go through it. You are growing and we all go through growing pains.. and you know I will give you the raw uncut version of getting over your past when we speak.. IT's really simple.. We make it hard.. Love you much Xo
